Thursday, July 31, 2008

The John McCain I Wish We Were Hearing About In The Media

I think many of you would agree with me that so far John McCain's presidential campaign has been lackluster, unfocused, uninspired and disappointing. He comes across as stiff, crotchety and cold--while Barack Obama seems young, hip, energetic, inspiring and likeable.
About two weeks ago I had the privilege of attending a fundraiser luncheon for a local Republican congresswoman, Thelma Drake. Karl Rove (The Architect), former Special Advisor to President George W. Bush was the keynote speaker.
If only the American voting public could hear the things Rove said about McCain that day, he (McCain) could win the election in a blowout! (Keep in mind, Rove is not a part of the McCain campaign.)
Rove told us about a John McCain who was a true hero during the war, a man who exhibited uncommon bravery and guts in the face of torture.
He told us about a man who had a big, loving heart and who without a moment's hesitation accepted into his heart and life a helpless, hopeless, little orphan girl from India.
He also told us the story of a man with magnificent faith in God, a man whose teachings gave his fellow prisoners the hope and motivation they needed to survive in a brutal North Vietnamese prison.
I left the luncheon feeling inspired and motivated to support McCain. I had learned about the personal side of MCain--the side we will never ever hear him talk about, and that's a shame.
Because beneath his gruff and crotchety exterior there is a man of real substance. A man of experience, a man who has been tested --a hero.
While McCain was not my choice for the Republican nomination, I can now vote for him with confidence in his character, strength and integrity. Hope you can too.

1 comment:

Jill Vanderbleek said...

Hey Baxter I appreciate your comments and insight on McCain...
Loved your blog!
Keep bloggin.