Thursday, October 2, 2008

Let Palin be Palin!

In the 1980 presidential campaign staffers and speechwriters for Ronald Reagan realized after the first debate that instead of over coaching him, the best practice was to “let Reagan be Reagan.”

Tonight, during the vice presidential debate in St. Louis we finally got to see “Palin be Palin.” After weeks of watching Sarah Palin being tentative and restrained during hostile interviews with Katie Couric and Charlie Gibson as she tried to remember her talking points, it was refreshing to see her turn on her charm and showcase her down-home values to score a significant victory!

America watched her up close and personal for 90 minutes—and they liked what they saw. She came across as a real person, a hockey mom who got involved in her home town of Wasilla, Alaska because she didn’t like the way things were being run in the city. She talked about middle –class family struggles to make ends meet—and it was believable. Untainted by Washington, D.C.’s political culture, she hasn’t learned how to lie smoothly (and we hope she never does) like Sen. Joe Biden who was caught in at least ten “misrepresentations” tonight according to Karl Rove.

Sarah Palin came across as a warm, humorous, down to earth person tonight. Yet she was able to go head to head with a veteran senator with 35 years of congressional experience. She connected with much of middle America and showed that she has what it takes to be a trustworthy leader.

Win or lose this election, we’re going to hear a lot more from Gov. Sarah Palin in the future. The McCain campaign handlers just need to step aside and “let Palin be Palin.” She is a winner!