Sunday, August 31, 2008

Governor Sarah Palin pick a Grand Slam for McCain!

A month ago I along with many other conservative Republicans felt that the McCain campaign was in the doldrums and was showing few signs of gaining any momentum.

Then two weeks ago (Aug.16) came the Saddleback Civil Forum on Leadership and Compassion where Barak Obama and John McCain were both questioned (separately) by Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Church. Obama seemed to me to hem and hedge and answer many questions in a halting, unsure manner. He even replied that one question was “above his pay grade.” McCain however, for the first time seemed sharp, focused and on target that Saturday night. I felt a glimmer of hope. Maybe, just maybe, McCain had found his footing.

Later Obama seemed to make a safe choice with his pick of running mate Senator Joe Biden, a man with many years of Senate experience and a solid record of involvement and knowledge in foreign affairs.

But while the Democrats partied and politicked in Denver reliving their “glory days” with the Clintons, Al Gore, Jimmy Carter and Ted Kennedy and dreaming of re-taking the White House with Obama and growing their numbers in the Senate and House of Representatives—John McCain and his team plotted, planned and worked diligently to make that final, all-important decision on his vice presidential running mate.

On Friday, August 29 as we awaited McCain’s announcement on his running mate, I confess I was nervous and concerned that he would pick someone like a Joe Lieberman, or Gov. Tom Ridge, or some lesser known liberal or moderate running mate—and it would be all over for the Republicans in this 2008 election. I felt a sense of dread and foreboding as I waited for the news.

Then like a crack of lightning and a boom of thunder came the surprise announcement, McCain had picked Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. As I listened to her speak my excitement grew. She was a conservative, a mother of five, a Christian, pro-gun, pro-life, pro-drilling for oil and natural gas, a proven leader, young (only 44 yrs. old) feisty, well-spoken, attractive and intelligent. I was elated!

The selection of Palin has ignited passion in the conservative base of the Republican Party that will result in increased fundraising, volunteers and enthusiasm to support this ticket.
Way to bat McCain. You knocked this one out of the park!

Friday, August 8, 2008

The Passing of a Patriot--Jesse Helms

On July 4th, a sacred holiday honoring the birth of our nation, we learned of the death of a great statesman, Sen. Jesse A. Helms, Jr. How fitting for such a patriot to pass away on the same day as two of our founding fathers, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams.

Back in 1980-81 I had the privilege of working for and getting to see Sen. Helms in numerous private settings with many well-known political and business leaders. I can report that he was the same man whether in front of a network television camera or sitting quietly at a table having a cup of coffee and privately discussing a political matter. He was as comfortable dealing with a foreign dignitary as he was with a North Carolina tobacco farmer.

It is true that Jesse Helms was a strong-willed, opinionated, forceful, dogged and unrelenting man. But, he was always a gentleman, always kind, always humble and he always treated everyone with the utmost respect -no matter their station in life.

A quote from Helm's book, "Here's Where I Stand" speaks volumes about his philosphy of politics and life.

"I told my young staff that the way to be successful in politics and remain
true to your principles is to know the distinction between your principles and
your preferences.
On your principles, you should never yield; you should be
prepared to be defeated. Nobody likes to be defeated, but you should let everybody know in the most articulate and thoughtful and civil way you can (you don’t go out and pick fights with people) that in certain matters that you define as matters of principle you will not budge, you cannot yield, you will not compromise.
If you don’t have the votes or the winning argument, then you stand to
be defeated and rolled over, and you’ll just have to come back another day.

But on circumstances that are your preferences, you’d better be prepared to
compromise, because that’s where you can demonstrate that you can engage
with other people. Then you can, in fact, operate in the political realm.
So make a clear distinction anytime an issue arises—is this a point of principle
or is this a point of preference? An awful lot of politicians never understand
the difference.
They compromise their principles and they fight to the
death on their preferences. They end up of course, being frustrated and unsuccessful--and failures at achieving their objectives."

Oh how I wish we had more conservative patriots in the House and Senate now, who knew the difference between principles and preferences; who would not budge, would not yield, on matters of principle.

More later maybe, from the miscellaneous file.
*I welcome your comments about Jesse Helms.